Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Book Review - The Cousins

📖Recommend for Grades 8 and up📖

by Karen M. McManus
Twenty-four years ago, the four Story children were disinherited by their mother with contact cut off. Now their children, who are basically strangers, are curiously invited to her island resort for the summer. Milly, Aubrey, and Jonah have no choice but to go, as their parents are hoping this invitation means something good for them. The longer the cousins spend on the island, the family secrets they brought with them start to come out. There are even more family secrets that they discover along the way.
Fans of Karen M. McManus will not be disappointed by her latest stand-alone novel. The story alternates not just between Milly, Aubrey, and Jonah's perspectives, but also Aubrey's mom Alison back in 1996. The primary and supporting characters are an intriguing mixed bunch that will have you wondering if you should like them or not. This page-turning thriller will keep readers on their toes till the very end.
Library Catalog - E-book Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Book Review - Breathless

  📖Recommend for Grades 10 and up📖

by Jennifer Niven

Claudine "Claude" Henry's life is divided into before and after the floor dropped out from under her. Before, she lived happily with both her parents. After, Claude learns they are separating, and her mother whisks her away to a remote island off the coast of Georgia. Spending her time on this island isn't how Claude imagined spending the summer after graduation. She isn't thrilled about the change and isn't sure what to do. Then she meets Jeremiah "Miah" Crew, a boy who often spends summers on the island and has things he doesn't want to talk about with anyone like Claude. Miah helps Claude in ways she wasn't expecting, but they can't fall in love as they are both leaving come August.

An intriguing story about Claude's journey over one summer. The book is a little slow-paced and, in ways, seems longer than it needs to be. Despite this, Claude's story is captivating. Within the story, readers get insight into the history of Claude's family who lived there, but the ending to that is sadly unsatisfying. Claude has smart but blunt conversations with her friends about various topics, including sex and consent, so if those topics make you uneasy, I'd skip it. Fans of Sarah Dessen wouldn't be amiss to give this one a try unless the previously mentioned topics make for skipping.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Book Review - Today Tonight Tomorrow

 📖Recommend for Grades 8 and up📖

by Rachel Lynn Solomon
For all of high school Neil McNair has been Rowan Roth's arch-nemesis, the pair competitors in everything they do. Now, with school over and graduation days away, Rowan has one last chance to beat Neil. Every year the seniors play Howl, a game that is part scavenger hunt and part assassins. Rowan hopes to win, but then she learns a group of classmates, tired of her or Neil also coming on top, are teaming up to take them. Now she realizes her former nemesis may be her biggest alley in this game. As the pair spend Howl together, Rowan learns things about Neil she didn't know and that maybe he isn't bad after all.
This book may occur at the end of the school year, but it is a fun read anytime. Rowan and Neil are both delightful characters, and the dynamic between them was amusing. Some things seem a little unrealistic, but it doesn't take away from the story's fun and enjoyment. This book will make you wish you could go on a community-wide scavenger hunt against your friends and peers. 
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Book Review - A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow

 📖Recommend for Grades 7 and up📖

A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow

by Laura Taylor Namey

After a trifecta of events causing her life to fall apart, Lila's parents send her to England to spend the summer with her mom's cousin at her inn. Lila is reluctant to go, wanting to stay home and work in her family's Cuban bakery. In England, though, she finds solace in the inn's kitchen mixing English food with a Cuban flair. There is also Orion, a tea shop clerk with troubles of his own, who appoints himself Lila's official guide. As the two spend the summer together, Lila begins to feel England may not be so bad, and there may be a different future than the one who watched disappear.

The characters in this book were all excellent and well written. While romance is a part of the story, this isn't some mushy gushy romance. It's more about Lila and her growth over the summer. The only real issue with this book is that it may make you long for the yummy sounding desserts and things Lila makes. Recommended for fans of Sarah Dessen.

Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Monday, January 4, 2021

Peer Reviews Wanted


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