Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Not a Book Review

  📖Recommend for ALL📖

You're probably looking for this week's book review right now.
Well, this week is Banned Books Week which celebrates the freedom to read.
I wanted to not include a review this week to show to you what it would be like if the book I was going to review was challenged and maybe even banned from the library.

So instead of a review, check out some information.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Book Review - Blackout

  📖Recommend for Grades 9 and up📖


by Dhonielle Clayton, Tiffany D. Jackson, Nic Stone, Ashley Woodfolk, Angie Thomas, and Nicola Yoon

Six interconnected short stories written by six talented best-selling authors. When a blackout hits New York City, black teen love starts to shine. From two teens on a long walk from Manhattan to Brooklyn to two more helping out in an elderly home, to more. Things change when the lights go out.

Dhonielle Clayton, Tiffany D. Jackson, Nic Stone, Ashley Woodfolk, Angie Thomas, and Nicola Yoon are the brilliant minds behind this book. While Clayton, Stone, Woodfolk, Thomas, and Yoon all have one-and-done short stories, Stone’s story is broken into chapters woven throughout the book, helping bring them all together. Each story is fabulous on its own, but together, they’re phenomenal. The characters in the book are all Black teens but vary in gender and sexuality. While, at its heart, the story is a romance, there is some humor thrown in. This book is one you can’t go wrong reading.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Peer Book Review - The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

 📖Recommend for Grades 7 and up📖

by Avi
Reviewed by Lorymar M. High School for Community Leadership 12th Grader
This book is written from the point of view of Charlotte Doyle and what she went through as she was pushed out of her comfort zone. She learns new things every day about life aboard a ship crossing from England to America. While on that ship Charlotte is exposed to new and different things; things that she wasn't supposed to see or hear and eventually will cost her. 
The thing I liked most about this book is that it was vividly narrated and I was able to imagine every scene in my mind. The way the author wrote this book almost made me feel like I was there. I also liked the terror and fear caused by the setting in the book. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Peer Book Review - The Outsiders

📖Recommend for Grades 7 and up📖
by S.E. Hinton 
Reviewed by Baldwin HS 10th Grader Asiyyah M.
This book is about a gang in Tulsa Oklahoma back in the 1960s. Two members who are close Johnny and Ponyboy end up killing a gang member on the Soc which are their enemy. Then they both run away in fear of being caught by the police for murder.
What I liked about the book was that the characters were great and the names were easy to remember and they each had their own personality's. I also liked the character development in some of the character. What I disliked about the book is that the movie was detailed more than the book.