Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Book Review - Drama

📖Recommend for Grades 6 and up📖
by Raina Telgemeier
Callie may not sing well enough to be in her school’s musical, but that doesn’t stop her from being a part of the production by doing stage crew. As the cast and crew get ready for Moon over Mississippi, the drama unfolds both on and off stage. Even Callie is involved with romantic excitement involving a long-time crush, and twin brothers who are new to the school.
Fun and entertaining this story will keep you guessing what will happen until the very end. The author has filled the book with so many likable characters, with Callie at the heart of the story. There are some awkward moments throughout the story, but it makes the story feel more realistic. Delightful illustrations help tell the excellent story. Fans of Raina Telgemeier’s other works, who won’t be turned away by the LGBT+ characters, should be sure to read this book.
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

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