Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Book Review - A Place at the Table

 📖Recommend for Grades 6 and up📖

by Saadia Faruqi and Laura Shovan
In many ways, sixth-graders Sara, a Pakistani American, and Elizabeth, a Jewish girl, are different. When the two end up kitchen partners in a South Asian cooking class taught by Sara's mom, a friendship takes form. Despite their cultural differences, the girls learn that they do have similarities, such as both their mothers being immigrants. Together they face the challenges the world throws at them all while trying to come up with an award-winning recipe.
A wonderfully written story about two young girls and how they can find similarities and form a friendship despite their different cultural backgrounds. The book alternates between both girl's perspectives giving intriguing insights into both their thoughts and feelings. There is some anti-Semitism in this book, but it is handled in an age appropriate manner. The story involves the girls have to create a recipe, and it is included in the back for readers to try for themselves. 

Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Book Review - Girl, Unframed

   📖Recommend for Grades 9 and up📖

by Deb Caletti
Even before she got on the plane, Sydney had a bad feeling about heading to San Francisco to spend the summer with her mother. It doesn't help that her mother is a famous actress Lila Shore. Meeting Lila's new boyfriend, Jake, doesn't ease Sydney's worries. Jake's an art dealer who seems nice, except when he's not.
"Girl, Unframed" is a fantastic YA thriller that will keep you hooked. Sydney is not the most likable character, but readers are likely to feel for her and her situation. Honestly, the only appealing character is the dog, Max. Readers know some crime has been committed and will have to figure out what happened as Sydney unravels her tale. There are fun hints at the start of each chapter in the form of notes of the evidence exhibits.

Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Book Review - A Danger to Herself and Others

 📖Recommend for Grades 10 and up📖

by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
Hannah has found herself institutionalized after her summer program roommate falls out of their dorm room window. Nobody knows what happened that night, but she is considered “a danger to herself and others.” Hannah is determined to do what she has to return home. After all, she says what happened wasn’t her fault. Enter Lucy, she may have her baggage of her own, but she also may be the only person who can help Hannah work through everything that’s happened.
 If you’ve ever heard the term unreliable narrator before and didn’t get what it meant, this book will help you understand that. We are getting the story from Hannah’s point of view and how she perceives everything that happened. Hannah has lives life with at least one mental illness though we are never told what exactly it is. While the ending could have been better, the overall story is intriguing and will leave readers guessing how it all plays out.
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Book Review - Class Act

   📖Recommend for Grades 6 and up📖

Class Act

by Jerry Craft

Drew is in the minority at his prestigious school, both racially and economically. It doesn't help his good friend Liam is one of those privileged kids and realizing it causes Drew to start to feel weird around him. The boy's mutual friend Jordan hopes to keep the friends together, but he just isn't sure how. Can Drew learn to accept his friends and himself?

If you loved New Kid, you need to read Class Act. If you haven't read New Kid, read that then Class Act. This book isn't a sequel per se. Still, it is a companion novel, and readers will better appreciate the story having read the first book. The story is superb, and the illustrations are beautiful. Readers are likely to either empathize or sympathize with Drew and his story. This book does tackle race and racial injustice but does so in a way suitable for the age group.

Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Monday, November 2, 2020

Peer Reviews Wanted!


We would love to include your reviews!

Read a book you think others will enjoy?

What about one they maybe shouldn’t waste their time on?

Submit a book review to be added to this blog. 

Junior Friends will earn 2 hours of community service for each review they submit.


Books can be Fiction & Non-Fiction in any format (print, e-book, audio).

 Graphic Novels, Manga & Comics can be reviewed as well.

As long as you read all of what you are reviewing, you can submit it.

Submit your review by filling out our Google Doc.