Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Book Review - Girl, Unframed

   ğŸ“–Recommend for Grades 9 and up📖

by Deb Caletti
Even before she got on the plane, Sydney had a bad feeling about heading to San Francisco to spend the summer with her mother. It doesn't help that her mother is a famous actress Lila Shore. Meeting Lila's new boyfriend, Jake, doesn't ease Sydney's worries. Jake's an art dealer who seems nice, except when he's not.
"Girl, Unframed" is a fantastic YA thriller that will keep you hooked. Sydney is not the most likable character, but readers are likely to feel for her and her situation. Honestly, the only appealing character is the dog, Max. Readers know some crime has been committed and will have to figure out what happened as Sydney unravels her tale. There are fun hints at the start of each chapter in the form of notes of the evidence exhibits.

Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

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