Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Book Review - Just Our Luck

 📖Recommend for Grades 9 and up📖

by Julia Walton
Leo's anxiety causes him to get into a fight at school. As a result, his dad orders him to take a self-defense class at a local gym. Evey works at the gym, where Leo is taking the class. He has been told to stay away from her since her family supposedly cursed his family. Realizing he doesn't want to be in self-defense, Evey tells Leo she will switch him to hot yoga that meets at the same time. There is a catch, as Evey needs Leo to help her with a revenge project. The pair end up spending time together, curse or no curse.
While Leo's mental illness plays a role in this story, there is so much more to it. Through Leo's perspective, the story is told via a journal he has to keep for his hot yoga class. There is bullying that occurs in the book. Still, Leo doesn't let that stop him from following his passions which include knitting and photography.  
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Book Review - Keep It Together, Keiko Carter

 📖Recommend for Grades 6 and up📖

by Debbi Michiko Florence
Keiko Carter is looking forward to starting seventh grade with her two best friends Audrey and Jenna. When Audrey suggests the girls each find dates for the school's annual Fall Ball, a rift in the friend group occurs. Keiko is okay with finding a date, hoping her new crush will ask her, but Jenna is sick of catering to Audrey's demands. Keiko finds herself in the middle of her two best friends and isn't sure what to do.
If you are looking for a cute middle school novel filled with friendship, crushes, and drama, you found what you are looking for in this book. Keiko is a likeable character and readers will enjoy trying to figure out what she will decide. 
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Book Review - A Taste for Love

  📖Recommend for Grades 8 and up📖

by Jennifer Yen
Liza Yang is used to her mother’s match-making schemes, but this one is like no other. Like her mother, Liza has a passion for baking and hopes to enter the baking contest she holds every summer. Afraid of bias, Liza’s mother allows her to be a judge instead. When Liza arrives on the first day, she discovers that all of the contestants aren’t all talented bakers like they were in the past. This year, all contestants are Asian-boys who Mrs. Wong thinks are suitable matches for her daughter.
Sorry to say this is yet another book that will have you craving yummy treats. Besides that, this is a fantastic read with a fun character. While primarily a romantic comedy, this book does tackle family and parental expectations. There is also a bit of mystery thrown in as it appears somebody is trying to sabotage the contest. This book truly is a great story filled with a fantastic cast of characters that won’t disappoint.
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Book Review - Be Dazzled

 📖Recommend for Grades 9 and up📖

Be Dazzled

by Ryan La Sala

Raphael “Raffy” Odom loves cosplay and views each new costume he creates as a work of art. Even if his mother disagrees, he is willing to do whatever it takes to win Boston’s Controverse Champion-ship of Cosplay with his best friend, Mae. His partner was supposed to be his once-boyfriend Luca, but he broke Raffy’s heart, and now they are competing against each other. When things start to unravel, Raffy may have nobody but Luca to turn to for help.

Alternating between the weekend of the convention and the months leading up to Raffy and Luca’s break-up, this book is a must-read. The characters are likable, and those that aren’t are ones you will love to hate. There are many references to anime and fandoms, but one’s lack of knowledge of them won’t take away from the story. At times the book slips into too much crafting detail, but the boring part can be easily overlooked. Heavy topics are balanced with fun and humor, and ultimately a great message.

Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Book Review - 10 Truths and a Dare

 📖Recommend for Grades 8 and up📖

by Ashley Elston
Senior week is the magical time between school being over and graduation still on the horizon. Olivia has been looking forward to this week, but then she discovers a problem with her off-campus P.E. class. Instead of enjoying all the insane parties, she has to spend the week helping out at a golf tournament to earn the credit. If she doesn't do it, she can't graduate. Olivia is determined to keep this a secret from her large and meddling family. The only exceptions are Sophie, Charlie, and Wes, who she recruited to help her out by trading phones with her since her mom is tracking hers.
If the names Olivia, Sophie, Charlie, and Wes sound familiar together, that's because this is the companion to 10 Blind Dates, which was Sophie's story. While this isn't as crazy and fun as the first book, there is still plenty of fun and craziness. The story is told primarily from Olivia's perspective, but as Sophie, Charlie, and Wes all take turns with her phone, we do get to follow them at those points. Though not mentioned above, some romance occurs in the book. Still, the central aspect of the story is Olivia trying to focus on what she needs to do and still trying to enjoy Senior Week.
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio