Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Book Review - Just Our Luck

 ğŸ“–Recommend for Grades 9 and up📖

by Julia Walton
Leo's anxiety causes him to get into a fight at school. As a result, his dad orders him to take a self-defense class at a local gym. Evey works at the gym, where Leo is taking the class. He has been told to stay away from her since her family supposedly cursed his family. Realizing he doesn't want to be in self-defense, Evey tells Leo she will switch him to hot yoga that meets at the same time. There is a catch, as Evey needs Leo to help her with a revenge project. The pair end up spending time together, curse or no curse.
While Leo's mental illness plays a role in this story, there is so much more to it. Through Leo's perspective, the story is told via a journal he has to keep for his hot yoga class. There is bullying that occurs in the book. Still, Leo doesn't let that stop him from following his passions which include knitting and photography.  
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

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