Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Book Review - The 57 Bus

📖Recommend for Grades 7 and up📖
The 57 Bus
by Dashka Slater
Sasha and Richard were just two teens whose paths along crossed when they would both be riding the 57 bus. Both their lives are forever changed when Richard decides to light Sasha's skirt on fire during one of those bus rides. With a look at class, race, gender and more comes an in-depth look leading up the event and during the trial. 
This is a true event that occurred in 2013. There are articles from that time that can be searched for but it is best to wait until after reading the book, if one would prefer to see what the trial verdict is. Readers will find themselves feeling for Sasha during the ordeal and maybe even for Richard a bit as well. 
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

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