Friday, November 9, 2018

Book Review - Far From the Tree

📖Recommended for Grades 8 and up📖
by Robin Benway
Grace was adopted as a baby and has now just given her own daughter up for adoption. This action inspired her to seek out her own birth mother but instead discovers that she isn’t an only child, but has two biological half-siblings.
Maya was adopted by wealthy parents who soon after (and to their surprise) provided her with a sister, their own biological child. She always knew that she was adopted and didn’t fit in with her redhead family. When she gets an email from Grace, saying they are sisters, Maya thinks she may have discovered where she fits in.
Joaquin was never adopted, instead of bouncing around foster cares until finding his current placement where he is finally happy. Never allowing himself to truly get close to people, Joaquin doesn’t know how he feels about his newfound little sisters.
When the three long lost siblings meet they not only learn about each other but more about themselves. They also find two people who understand their situation and people to lean on.
Told in alternating chapters between the three siblings, readers will enjoy hearing about the journey through each point of view. Grace, Maya, and Joaquin are all wonderful in their own way and their three different personalities blend together well. The speed in which Grace, Maya, and Joaquin bond may seem a little too fast, but readers shouldn’t let that small infraction stop them from reading this wonderful story. 
Library Catalog - E-book - Downloadable Audio

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